Ardently Yours Designs

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How to get your RSVPs to come back to you

One of the biggest problems couples encounter is getting timely replies to their wedding. Unfortunately, there isn’t any way to avoid the inevitable chasing of RSVPs, but I’m here to give you some ideas that might help you out.

1) Pre-address your RSVP envelope

This can be done via printing or calligraphy. Save your guests the hassle of finding your address. Quite a few RSVP cards lie up filled out and on the kitchen table, ready to be posted, only for the guest to forget for many weeks.

2) Pre-stamp your RSVP envelope

In a similar vein, save your guests the time spent going to the post office, standing in line, and paying for postage.

3) Discreetly number the back of your RSVP cards

This is a tip that’s less for your guests and more for you- when the envelopes and cards come back, the number on the back will cross reference to your guest list/spreadsheet. You can then see at a glance which numbers have not been sent back, and which you have to follow up on.
This can be done with an invisible ink on the back corner, so that nobody but you (and us!) will know it’s there.

4) Offer phone, email, or website options of RSVP

Allow several avenues of contact so that guests can immediately whip out their phone and send you a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. In the short term, this is harder as you will have to consolidate those replies into your spreadsheet, but in the long term, this will save you time contacting individual guests.

5) Set aside time for you to chase up replies

Come to terms that there will be some stragglers. Don’t be disheartened, just be sure to set your RSVP date earlier by 1-2 weeks to give you time to follow up on these.

Most of these tips are designed around making it as easy as possible for your guest to fill out the card and pop it in a letterbox. The fewer things they have to do, the more likely you’ll receive these back.
Implementing these few tips can save you time and effort down the road.
Feel free to shoot us a message for help with your RSVPs!

Happy planning!
x Lisa